Needing more support or looking for other ways to get involved? Here are some groups and places that are available to help!
AVID (Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees): A small, national charity that supports volunteer visitors to immigration detainees, wherever they are held, working to raise awareness of immigration detention and advocate for positive change in the detention system:
STAR Network (Student Action for Refugees): A national charity of 26,000 students welcoming refugees to the UK that seek to volunteer at local refugee projects, campaign to improve the lives of refugees, educate people about refugees and asylum, and fundraise to welcome refugees. STAR groups are students’ union societies which are affiliated to the charity:
Rewrite: A grassroots participatory arts charity based in Southwark that provides creative opportunities for young people from different cultural, social and economic backgrounds, including young migrants and refugees, raises public awareness about issues surrounding refuge and asylum, and breaks down barriers of prejudice and racism through drama and creative writing:
Women for Refugee Women: An organisation working at the grassroots level to support and empower women who are seeking asylum and challenge the injustices experienced by women who cross borders to seek safety through arts, media, public events and publishing research:
Refugee Council: We work with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK, offering practical support and advice throughout their journey in the UK. We offer a helping hand to support and empower them to rebuild their lives:
UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency): A global organisation dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people:
Migrants Organise: A platform where refugees and migrants organise for power, dignity and justice. We develop leadership and open up spaces for relational, organised participation of migrants and refugees in public life. Migration is fact of life, instead of resisting it – let’s organise it:
Right to Remain: A UK-based human rights organisation that works with communities, groups and organisations across the UK, providing information, resources, training and assistance to help people to establish their right to remain, and to challenge injustice in the immigration and asylum system:
Counterpoint Arts: An arts charity that engages with refugee and migrant experiences through arts and cultural programmes. They support and produce the arts by and about migrants and refugees, seeking to ensure that their contributions are recognized and welcomed within British arts, history and culture:
Refugee Week: A nationwide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourages a better understanding between communities. This same celebration takes place every year across the world in the week around World Refugee Day on the 20 June.
For highlighting information: John Oliver Refugee episode: Last Week Tonight covers an inappropriate analogy for the refugee crisis: